Battle for Dream Island Wiki
Battle for Dream Island Wiki
Episode Gallery Transcript

The information in the article below contains spoilers for the BFDI series. Please watch the episode(s) if you have not seen them yet.

You're right, Needle! We're going to be so well rested tomorrow!

"Well Rested" is the 6th episode of Battle for Dream Island Again, the 31st episode in in-universe order, and the 68th episode by release date of the overall series. This episode was initially set to be released on Sunday, September 1, 2013.

In this episode, the remain contestants move to Yoyle City and must find a place to sleep.



W.O.A.H. Bunch[]

Team No-Name[]






Voting screen[]


Cold open[]

The episode begins with a change to the original release date from September 1, 2013, to September 1, 2023. Then, W.O.A.H. Bunch and FreeSmart are seen falling from the summit of Yoyle Mountain. Ruby offers some of the contestants yoyleberries, though they all decline except for Book. Book and Coiny are then approached by Nickel and Bomby, with Bomby placing his arms behind Nickel to make it seem like Nickel has arms.

The Firey Speaker Box is then confronted by the Announcer, who says he was nearly discovered in the previous episode. He then tells the Firey Speaker Box to eat some yoyleberries as it'll make him look like the Announcer so that if anyone claims they saw the Announcer, the Firey Speaker Box could say it was him after turning into metal. The Firey speaker box refuses at first, considering he hates yoyleberries, but the Announcer persuades him to eat the yoyleberries, turning himself into metal.

The Firey Speaker Box then tells the contestants that they're about to hit the ground; they do so as soon as he finishes talking. Ruby gets up after falling and questions the Firey speaker box, thinking he's the Announcer, except he tells her that he just ate some yoyleberries, confirming why he looked like the Announcer. Ruby mistakes this for his liking of yoyleberries, so she fires yoyleberries at him before the intro appears.

W.O.A.H. Bunch then recovers all members of Team No-Name to prepare for the Cake at Stake, to which the Firey Speaker Box, now covered in Yoyleberries, agrees.

After Coiny and Needle revive Team No-Name, Nickel is intrigued by Needle's fast cranking and asks if he can call her Crank-Lord. Needle told him that he may not. Nickel indirectly awoke Golf Ball due to calling Needle "Needy". Golf Ball demands to know where Puffball went since she purposefully failed the previous challenge.

Cake at Stake[]

Although Puffball was confident she would win the prize as she always has, Firey won it. Puffball was furious and tried to attack Firey to prevent him from spinning the prize wheel, but Firey managed to spin the wheel and won a meteor shield that he used to deflect Puffball's attack and send her back into space.

Moving on to the elimination round, Tennis Ball received the least dislikes, followed by Gelatin, Firey, Fries, and Rocky. Golf Ball was upset to hear that she was again in the final two and cried, questioning why she kept ending up in that position. Nevertheless, Puffball was ultimately eliminated. Even though she continued to bounce around in space, she eventually crashed into the TLC/LOL, ending this episode's Cake at Stake.

Team switching[]

Gelatin seems very worried since their team is becoming smaller. At first, Golf Ball seems relaxed about this, though she sees W.O.A.H. Bunch walking over to their team and changes her mind. Coiny asks everyone if they want to switch to his team, resulting in Golf Ball trying to say that everyone either promised never to switch or is currently dead. Despite this, Rocky lifts his head into the air. Firey and Gelatin start telling him to stop, and Coiny starts laughing. Rocky lifts his head down, resulting in Golf Ball pointing out he even promised never to switch.

Unfortunately, Rocky lifts his head again and Golf Ball says a fourth nod confirms that he's on W.O.A.H. Bunch. This causes Firey and Gelatin to convince Rocky to stay on Team No-Name. Despite this, he does not care and happily drops his head down, confirming his switch.

W.O.A.H. Bunch
Team No-Name

Before the contest[]

Firey Speaker Box then asks all the contestants if they are done switching teams, all affirming in unison. He asks a contestant to spin the wheel to choose the next contest; Nickel, however, requests that they return to Goiky, commenting that Spongy is allergic to the Yoyleland's grass and he is breaking out in hives. Pin then questions Spongy and asks him if the "hives" are just the holes that Spongy normally has on his body. Spongy then realizes, and he has a quick laugh, saying "I must be fine then." Suddenly, a hole appears on him, much to his surprise.

Pencil then tells Nickel that his idea may be bad; she says that their only recovery center is glued to the grounds of Yoyleland due to Ruby. Firey agrees with her, since he would like to be near the HPRC due to getting extinguished often. This means they must stay in Yoyleland, even though they seem okay with this.

Pin notices that she keeps mixing up Coiny and Nickel and that it's confusing, so she decides to feed Coiny, Book, Ruby, Firey Speaker Box, and herself Yellow Tomatoes, making them return to their original states. Firey Speaker Box tells someone to spin the contest wheel, so Book does so. It lands on "Find a cozy building to live in", confusing Book about how that would work.


Firey Speaker Box explains that everyone needs to find a place to live due to their stay in Yoyleland. The contest is to find a comfortable bedroom for the team to sleep in. The last team that has all of its members fall asleep is put up for elimination. As Firey Speaker Box explains the challenge, Golf Ball instructs her team to recover Tennis Ball, since he died at the cake at stake. Meanwhile, W.O.A.H. Bunch is discussing what to do. Nickel says that since they're currently the largest team, they should find the largest building and sleep in it before any other team can get to it. Coiny agrees with this plan, but he points out they'd have a better chance of winning if they gave the other two teams a hard time sleeping. Pin asks Yellow Face if he has any useful products they could use to make it more difficult for the other teams to sleep. Luckily, he had recently made an upgraded version of the Revolutionary Headphones that also randomly shot spike balls out of its sides.

Needle takes all of the revolutionary headphones Yellow Face had and places them on Gelatin and Ice Cube's heads. Gelatin's headset fires a spike ball onto Fries and phases through Firey. Ice Cube's headset fires spike balls at all three of her teammates. She exclaims that she wants revenge, but Pin goes up to her and increases the headphone volume to max, making Ice Cube's voice extremely hard to hear over the headphones' noise.

Needle and Coiny talk about how they will win the competition. Pencil tells the FreeSmarters to hop into the FreeSmart SuperVan and go to the Pillow Marketplace. Still, Ice Cube distracts Pencil because of the headphones she's wearing, so Pencil puts her in the van's trunk, saying that it's the best for her team. Then, Ice Cube declares revenge in the usual way, followed by Yellow Face's headphone noise. They go above the Crustacean To Munch On, inside the Big Things building, under a sewer, a bridge, the Yoyle Stadium, and the Science Museum. Ruby then asks Pencil if she knows the directions and she replies not to ask her questions like that. Ruby is about to say something, but the camera cuts off to W.O.A.H. Bunch going to the big building in Yoyle City: The Aerospace Manufacturing Plant.

W.O.A.H. Bunch finds race cars inside the building. Spongy recognizes them as spaceships, prompting Coiny to ask if he has been inside one. Spongy remembers a scene from BFDI 21 and then says he doesn't want to discuss it. Nickel reminds them that they got there to have the best sleep ever and not to be distracted by the spaceships. Yellow Face tells them that for 70,000 payments of $70,000, they could buy their Aerospace pillows and blankets, to which Nickel says they're perfect for sleeping, but then asks if he found them at the plant, to which Yellow Face responds with yes. Nickel then asks him why he is charging for it, to which he tells him that he can get a family discount of 5 cents. Nickel is surprised but then asks himself if he is related to Yellow Face; Needle then says "who cares if he is adopted", and everyone is ready to sleep. But then, a raindrop falls on Needle and she complains about it and Nickel tells her that if she did, hopefully she can sleep through it.

Gelatin walks through the sidewalk while his headset fires spike balls by tracking down to an abandoned hotel with a wooden sign that says "EVIL" (covered on the sign says "Here Hotel") flung upside down and swinging slightly as it says "Live Here Hotel" and then tells Team No-Name about it. Firey thought the hotel was so cozy to live in. Golf Ball agrees, so Team No-Name enters in, unaware of what's to come. Tennis Ball felt nervous about the hotel, but Fries told Tennis Ball to wimp out and about being recovered, so Tennis Ball joined in. As Team No-name enters the Evil Hotel, Gelatin notices how the hotel lobby looks. Firey feels happy about it, so he and Gelatin both swing on the chandelier. Then Golf Ball notices that the most important factor is the hotel has different bedrooms and then demands Firey and Gelatin to get off the chandelier so the team inspects the rooms.

Fries checks the first room, but it's of negative quality, so he gave that room a 2/10. He then checks the second room by shaking to the motion sensor, which is of a more greater quality, so he rates the sensor a 7/10. He checks the third room that's of decent quality, which made him rate it 6/10, one number lower of the last rating. He finally checks the last room, which is, as Fries considers, "iffy", so he gave that 3/10. They reach the end of the hallway and find a mirror to stare at. Evil Leafy appears in the mirror for a split second before cutting to a Yellow Face Ad. After the Yellow Face ad, Team No-Name ran away to the iffy room to hide. As Team No-name goes inside the iffy room, Evil Leafy phases through a window, so Team No-name runs around then escape the iffy room by placing a "Do Not Disturb" sign on to the door and then switch to the decent room. As they get there, they cover the window with wooden board planks glued in. As Firey hold up the glue, the label says "water soluble", meaning the planks won't stay up easily.

Meanwhile, for FreeSmart, Ruby honestly asks Pencil if they all spent hours driving in circles, and she truly replies that is was more of an elliptical shape as seen with the park. Ruby felt worried about not going to the Pillow Marketplace on time. Book brings an idea that since she's a Yoyle City Atlas, they can look up where the building is, so Ruby starts reading through her. Ruby then reveals that the Pillow Marketplace is at the Yoyle Mall, which Pencil loves. Ruby explains that it's on one of the floors of the Yoyle Needy, where Pencil lowed the malls. Ruby then explains that the stairs of the Yoyle Needy are out of order and the walls of the Needy are super slippery. "So this is that type of skyscraper", Pencil says.

And so, the team decides to grab some Balloons from the balloon store so that they can float to the top floor of the Yoyle Needy. Book starts to ask if Ice Cube's headphones are sounding a little more "distorted," but Ruby explains it just Book. Ice Cube is in the back, tampering with the headphones. Ruby gets excited that the FreeSmart Supervan is flying above many of the buildings, including the Yoyle Needy, the Juice Cinema, and even the Yummy Filtration Plant that Ruby obsessively went rogue for. She opens the back door of the SuperVan, jumps into the filtration plant, eats everything inside, then quickly jumps out on the roof and jumps back into the supervan.

Back to W.O.A.H. Bunch. A raindrop lands on Needle's forehead again and then another lands on Nickel's forehead, which gets him annoyed. He gets up and discovers why the indoor cloud is inside the Aerospace Manufacturing Plant. Coiny and Bomby explains that in some buildings, like the manufacturing plant, are large enough for weather systems to form inside of them, namely indoor clouds. Spongy runs around and says that he doesn't want to get rained on. Needle tells Spongy that he absorbs the rain, but Spongy disagrees because he doesn't like getting soggy. The W.O.A.H Bunch decide to hook up the dehumidifier pipe to the building so that the pipe would absorb all the moisture inside the room the this bottom spout, carry it up the pipe, and spit it out of the top pipe.

Suddenly, a dehumidifier pipe appears in the sky from the manufacturing plant roof. Pencil tries to turn the van's wheels in reverse, but there is no effect due to them floating on air. So the van crashes into it. The water getting pulled in from the pipe starts to flood the inside of the van, so the girls had to hold their breath.

The sun is setting down. Team No-Name stays in the decent room while Evil Leafy is trying to teleport through the barred window to no avail.

Meanwhile, with W.O.A.H. Bunch, the raincloud is shrinking from the dehumidifier. Nickel notices the cloud is getting smaller. Bomby and Pin are both noticing the cloud is at between fifty to forty percent small. Nickel experiences that the cloud gets to zero for the W.O.A.H Bunch to sleep.

Back to FreeSmart, Book gets worried that the team is all about to drown, but Pencil, Ruby, and Book puncture holes in the ceiling of the SuperVan with their Snorkels, causing an excess of water to fly out.

The water somehow reaches and hits Team No-Name's boards, both are held together by the water-soluble glue. The boards fall off the window, finally granting Evil Leafy access to the room. Team No-name runs around and then escapes the decent room to head into the hallway. Evil Leafy continues to chase them until they head to the fancy room. Since the fancy room has a motion detector outside of it with sliding doors, they wave their arms in the sliding doors to open it and successfully enter. Evil Leafy tries going inside, but the door never actually registers it as a motion, obviously because she moves instantaneously and not continuously until Gelatin's headphones eject a spike ball, which triggers the motion-activated doors to open, successfully letting Evil Leafy in. Tennis Ball gets angry at Gelatin for the occurrence. Team No-Name runs from Evil Leafy and waves their arms in the elevator to escape the fancy room. They're finally back in the hallway. As they head to the first room, the frontal wall falls apart as soon as the door closes due to the bad quality of its appearance. Evil Leafy teleports in shot, and Team No-Name panics severely. Evil Leafy starts approaching them.

Meanwhile, with FreeSmart, Book and Ruby are both worried the FreeSmart is about to lose and will never head to the Pillow Marketplace. Pencil felt like apologizing to Ice Cube for locking her in the trunk. Ice Cube is shown blowing balloons and believes that the team should have stuck together.

Suddenly, the van's weight causes the pipe they're stuck on to tilt. Nickel gets worried that the dehumidifier pipe is supposed to be moving, but Bomby explains that the pipe doesn't have to move, so he attempts to pull the pipe straight up, but he needs help. So, the other W.O.A.H. Bunch members help him together. Except for Pin, since she has no limbs. Pin can't help but watch as the dehumidifier pulls her team up and through the roof of the building. On the other end of the pipe is the FreeSmart SuperVan, and the magnet is activated to steal their pillows and blankets. The pipe then balances itself out and FreeSmart faces off against W.O.A.H Bunch on the pipe.

Rocky greets Pencil ("Hi Pencil") as she charges at W.O.A.H Bunch and is kicked him off the pipe. Needle then battles Pencil with a katana from Yellow Face. Yellow Face gives Coiny a light saber to fight Book. Then, he gave Bomby a stick to fight Ruby. As the chaos ensues, Rocky suddenly falls on her point and breaks in half. Not wanting to poke anyone else, Pin falls on her side. They start to lose balance when Spongy runs on the opposite end of the pipe, causing the pipe to rotate again. The end of the pipe with the FreeSmart SuperVan hits Pin's point, causing the water from inside the van to burst out and flood the aerospace building.

Amidst the chaos, Book eventually realizes that they should be sleeping, not fighting. FreeSmart tries to go to sleep quickly. W.O.A.H. Bunch continues to try and sabotage them by telling scary stories. Yellow Face uses a story about his rival, Purple Face, but that story is least scary but more useless. Coiny knows what's scarier is Evil Leafy, which makes the FreeSmart members wince in their sleep. Needle is excited, so he keeps repeating "Evil Leafy" to scare them even more.

Meanwhile at the hotel, Evil Leafy tries to attack Team No-Name. While Coiny chants Evil Leafy's name while FreeSmart continues to panic, Needle mocks and calls them "FreeSmart babies" and thought spooky stories won't be real until eventually, Evil Leafy appears and attempts to attack W.O.A.H. Bunch. As W.O.A.H. Bunch went underwater, Ruby mock that W.O.A.H Bunch got wet, then assumes that Evil Leafy can't go underwater. Pencil notices that FreeSmart became her only available victims. Evil Leafy approaches FreeSmart, who are on the right end of the pipe, but this, once again, ends up disrupting the balance and causes the team to submerge into the flood. W.O.A.H. Bunch rises to the surface again. The cycle repeats, like a seesaw.

Tennis Ball feels happy that Evil Leafy is gone. Golf Ball demands Team No-Name that they head to the fancy room to go to sleep. Gelatin agrees to her since he felt self-meditated, he can fall asleep, even with the headphone noises. Team No-Name enters room 002. They all fall asleep.

Firey Speaker Box appears and explains that Team No-Name is the first team to fall asleep, so they're safe. That means it's just down to Free Smart and W.O.A.H. Bunch, still getting panicked by Evil Leafy who attempts to attack either which two teams, but she keeps switching away from the team that's underwater.

Book and Ruby are worried about keeping up the rhythm cycle forever and not knowing what to do, and Pencil doesn't know what to do either. Ice Cube says "I want-". Pencil interrupts and guesses that she wants revenge, but Ice Cube truly explains that she wanted to be listened to. So she eventually pulls out the balloons from the van and has everyone tie one around themselves in order to escape the predicament below. Once everyone is in the sky, Ice Cube plays relaxing music that puts the team to sleep, so FreeSmart wins the challenge, coming in second. That means that W.O.A.H. Bunch, gets last place and is up for elimination. By the looks of it, they'll be up all night and are still scared of Evil Leafy.


Ruby wakes up Pencil and asks her about starting a video diary, and Pencil agrees. Book believes that it would be a good idea and shows that FreeSmart can film with the video. Pencil likes that Match and Bubble understands about what they're recently up to. Ruby gets to film as an expert with or without the lens cap off. Pencil tells the story about how Ice Cube helped to win by playing a soothing melody when they needed to sleep and she is grateful that Ice Cube is on her team. Ice Cube says "Thank you" in the end.


  • Steal all the money in the world
  • Quit the show
  • Find a cozy building to live in (Chosen)
  • Win the challenge
  • Build a time machine
  • Find the hidden message
  • Wait 10 years for next episode
  • Spin the wheel again
  • Jump the highest

Still In The Running[]



  • Written by:
  • Cary Huang
  • Created & directed by:
  • Cary Huang
  • Michael Huang
  • Voice acting:
  • Adam Katz - Nickel
  • Braden Whiteside - Spike Ball Speaker Box & Stick Figures
  • Cary Huang - Pin & Ruby & Spongy & Tennis Ball
  • Ian Woodside - Gelatin
  • Kenzie Bryant - Ice Cube & Needle
  • Michael Huang - Book & Coiny & Firey & Fries & Golf Ball & Pencil & Puffball & Yellow Face & Firey Speaker Box
  • Satomi Hinatsu - Bomby
  • TTS - Announcer
  • Audio:
  • Benjamin Cross
  • Braden Whiteside
  • Cary Huang
  • Daniel Booth
  • Griffin Weber
  • Justin Chapman
  • Michael Huang
  • Sam Thornbury
  • Voice processing:
  • Braden Whiteside
  • Michael Huang
  • Sutton H. “YellowAngiru”
  • Animation:
  • Adam Katz
  • Aidan L. “Aidsie”
  • Aiden Gomez
  • Allen Lee “Allenimations”
  • Anthony Acedo
  • Benjamin Cross
  • Brannon C. “BrannFlakes”
  • Bryan Ndubisi “Brybee”
  • Cary Huang
  • Christopher Yeh
  • Cormac Oliver
  • Florence Chapell
  • Giovanni Edwards
  • Griffin Weber
  • Ivan Maslov “Highvan”
  • Joseph H. “Spherigon”
  • Joseph Pak
  • Lazlo T. “TopHatTheHat”
  • Niall Burns “XanyLeaves”
  • Sutton H. “YellowAngiru”
  • Xander A. “Xananer”
  • Props, backgrounds:
  • Adam Katz
  • Anthony Acedo
  • Cary Huang
  • Joseph Pak
  • Lazlo T. “TopHatTheHat”
  • Michael Huang
  • Punch-Holer
  • Sutton H. “YellowAngiru”
  • WormBuffet
  • Xander A. “Xananer”
  • Video editing:
  • Cary Huang
  • Anthony Acedo
  • Joseph Pak
  • Xander A. “Xananer”
  • Music:
  • Kevin MacLeod

Voting results[]

The total number of votes was 9,810, of which 5,851 were likes, and 3,959 were dislikes.

Icon Contestant Likes Dislikes 👍/👎 Like % Dislike %
TennisBallIconEp5 Tennis Ball 938 242 3.876 16.03% 6.11%
GelatinIconEp5 Gelatin 908 298 3.046 15.51% 7.52%
FireyIconEp5 Firey 1,023 361 2.883 17.48% 9.10%
FriesIconEp5 Fries 692 459 1.507 11.82% 11.59%
RockyIconEp5 Rocky 931 469 1.985 15.91% 11.84%
GolfBallIconEp5 Golf Ball 665 675 0.985 11.36% 17.04%
PuffballIconEp5 Puffball 694 1,455 0.476 11.86% 36.75%
Total: 9,810 100%

*Firey Speaker Box claimed Gelatin got 361 dislikes and Firey got 298 dislikes.


  • Bowling Pin
  • Win BFDIA
  • Pocket of Lint
  • Venomous Rattle Snake
  • Milk Crust
  • Key to Yoyle City
  • $1,229,948,414
  • Immunity to Final 17
  • Become the New Host
  • Rubber Ball
  • Loose Teeth
  • Cow
  • Puffball Speaker Box
  • Yoyle Pie
  • Meteor Shield (Chosen)
  • A Job
  • Own Goiky


Main article: Welcome Back/Pre-release

Prior to its release on September 1, 2023, this episode was confirmed to have canonically happened in the BFDI timeline but was never actually seen. According to the video "Why we've had to stop animating on YouTube", BFDIA 6 was cancelled mostly due to literal budget cuts (Adsense account was banned in 2014 but later reinstated in 2016). The animated or voiced parts of BFDIA 6 were posted on August 23, 2016 as a video titled BFDIA 6 Deleted Scenes. On September 1, 2016, instead of BFDIA 6 as many people thought, a new season titled IDFB began with "Welcome Back" being released, with BFDIA 6 long-thought to be cancelled.


Teaser posted on jacknjellify's community tab

On August 31, 2023, a teaser picture was released on Jacknjellify's YouTube community tab. Most people initially thought this announcement was related to the release of IDFB 2 due to the usage of Yoyle City imagery for the background and overall being the setting of IDFB. Still, BFDIA 6, which was long-thought to be cancelled, would be released. A Q&A with Sam Thornbury on Discord confirmed that future episodes of BFDIA would fill in the gap leading to "Welcome Back" and would be produced simultaneously alongside Battle for Dream Island: The Power of Two.[2]


What was recorded on the camera, with the lens cap still on

According to "SOS (Save Our Show)", the canonical reason for this episode not being released was that the Announcer spent the whole budget on the show and could not be produced any longer because he had no savings left. The second explanation of why there was a 3-year hiatus after the show stopped production, according to "Welcome Back", is that Ruby forgot to remove the lens cap on the camera. Thus, three years worth of adventures of the BFDIA contestants was lost; this was further confirmed in this episode as Ruby pulls out the camera while ignoring Pencil telling her she may have forgotten something important.

Deleted scenes[]

Main article: BFDIA 6 Deleted Scenes

The events of the BFDIA 6 deleted scenes are remains of the episode that Michael and Cary tried to make during August of 2013, containing one animated scene and several lines from the scenes coming after.

Some of these events can be confirmed to be non-canon, since things such as the relocation of the Clubhouse of Awesomeness have clearly not happened. Nonetheless, this fact does not prevent any of the events of the deleted scenes from happening. For example, of course, the characters must have decided to live in Yoyle City, but that decision was also made in the episode proper.


  • This is the first episode of several things:
    • The first 2023 episode to only have 1 team be up for elimination.
    • The first revival episode in Battle for Dream Island history, in which BFDIA was revived after a 10-year hiatus.
    • The first BFDIA episode to not have a publicly available flash file.
    • The first episode since "Welcome Back" to release on the first day of a month using Pacific times.
    • The first episode where Team No-Name was up for elimination and Puffball didn't win the prize.
    • The first episode of BFDIA where Bomby speaks more coherently and the first episode of BFDIA where he is voiced by Satomi Hinatsu.
    • The first episode of BFDIA where Needle and Ice Cube are voiced by Kenzie Bryant.
    • The first BFDIA episode where Gelatin is voiced by Ian Woodside.
    • The first BFDIA episode where Ruby is voiced by Cary Huang.
    • The first time Rocky speaks since "Rescission".
    • Spike Ball Speaker Box's first appearance since "Return of the Hang Glider", their first speaking role since their debut in "Hurtful!", and the first episode where they're voiced by Braden Whiteside.
    • The first episode since "The Four is Lava" where you can vote to eliminate a player, also the first episode since "The Long-lost Yoyle City" where you can do so by rating a video.
    • The first episode since "Don't Dig Straight Down" where a team of 8 members is up for elimination.
    • The first episode of the series where Goiky is specifically referred to by name on its own, instead of it being mentioned as part of a location's name like in previous episodes (not counting "The Great Goikian Bake-Off").
    • Evil Leafy's first true appearance by release date since "Welcome Back". She appeared as a cardboard cutout in "Four Goes Too Far".
      • Chronologically, it is her first appearance since "No More Snow!"
    • The first episode to have the Cake at Stake results revealed in an earlier episode ("Welcome Back") than itself.
    • The first episode of BFDIA to use the body assets introduced in IDFB.
      • It is also the first episode of BFDIA to be rendered in 4K.
    • The very first episode of the BFDI series where Adam Katz animates a scene.
    • The first episode where Pencil is competing in almost 6 years, and the first episode where Spongy, Ruby, Firey, and Gelatin are competing in 2 to 3 years.
    • The first episode to be animated and produced in Jacknjellify's summer office in Santa Monica, CA.
  • During the scene where Team No-Name was reviewing the rooms of the LIVE (EVIL upside-down read by Firey) Here Hotel, the rankings that Fries gives to each room form 2,763. To take this even further, the starting letters of the room adjectives given by Fries form out BFDI, (Bad, Fancy, Decent, Iffy), (2/10, 7/10, 6/10, 3/10).
  • This is one of the 4 episodes that were released on September 1, the others being "Insectophobe's Nightmare" (September 1, 2010), "The Glistening" (September 1, 2011), and "Welcome Back" (September 1, 2016).
  • When the episode was released on September 1, 2023, the in-universe release date is completely out of order.
  • This is the second time Golf Ball got the second most dislikes.
  • This episode had more votes than all 6,000+ BFDI(A) votes, with a record of 9,806 votes.
  • Golf Ball is the last female contestant on Team No-Name.
  • This is the first BFDIA episode where Golf Ball didn't complain about not getting the most likes.
  • Firey won the prize with 1,023 likes, beating Teardrop's record of 502 likes.
  • The bottom two this episode had each of their best friends in the bottom two in "The Great Goikian Bake-Off". Coincidentally, the 6th episode of their respective seasons.
  • Fries and Yellow Face have their older voice quality back quite notably, since Fries has a slightly higher pitch in his voice than he did in BFB-TPOT, and Yellow Face's voice is less deep and disoriented. This is due to authenticity in the appearance and feel of BFDIA's episodes throughout.
    • Coiny and Firey's voice also have their original voice, both being higher pitched than their current counterparts.
  • This is the first BFDIA episode where the Announcer makes an appearance that isn't just a background cameo.
  • This is the first time Bomby and Yellow Face were up for elimination since "Get Digging".
  • This episode takes place 1,126 days before IDFB. (IDFB 1 is the 1,127th day)
  • This is the longest gap between an episode in a season, being 3,683 days (10 years and 1 month) as well as in OSC history.
  • This is the second "6th episode" of a BFDI season in a row to be released, following "The Great Goikian Bake-Off", the 6th episode of TPOT.
  • This episode reached 1 million views on YouTube in less than 19 hours, the fastest ever for an episode of Battle for Dream Island.
    • This is also the 3rd episode to reach 1 million views in less than a day.
  • This is the 3rd episode in a row (since "It's a Monster") to feature only FreeSmart members in the thumbnail.
  • One of the wedges on the prize wheel is "Win BFDIA", making it the only instance where contestants can win a season by any other means besides viewer voting.
  • As a result of BFDIA being continued, BFDIA 1-5 is now known as "Season 2a", as shown by Jacknjellify's BFDIA all episodes video.
  • As of now, the episode ranks 110th in video views on JacknJellify.
  • Following are the voice actors from Battle for BFB for this long-waited episode of BFDIA.
  • In the storyboard, the scene where Firey didnt know Evil Leafy can go through glass and Tennis Ball telling him that she must be getting stronger was originally cut, but was kept later in production.
  • Also in the storyboard, Gelatin was supposed to say "Go in the Decent Room!", but this was changed last second.

Continuity references[]

  • The beginning scene parallels that from the deleted scenes video.
    • Pin said she already had 13 berries in said video, but in this episode she said she had 23 instead. This is a reference to the year the episode was planned to release/was released.
    • Also, Book telling Ruby that she’d likely say no to eating Yoyleberries in another universe is likely a reference to said video where Book points out how obsessed Ruby is with the berries to the point of feeding them to everybody.
  • This episode continues the trend of BFDIA episodes being named after a phrase/quote said within the episode, this time by Nickel.
  • When the Announcer said he was almost found out in "The Long-lost Yoyle City", it referenced a flashback from "SOS (Save Our Show)".
  • The Firey Speaker Box makes a mouth after expressing his dislike of yoyleberries, referencing "Get in the Van" when he screamed "YOU MUST!" to Puffball.
  • Needle reciting a list of names might be a reference to BFDIA 5a when Bubble did the same thing.
  • The Cake at Stake intro is similar to BFDIA 5's.
  • Some prizes are references to old episodes (Immunity to final 17, rubber ball, Puffball Speaker Box, BFDI DDS).
  • Puffball's scream after being deflected by the meteor shield is reused from "The Four is Lava" and looped for a few extra seconds.
  • When Puffball was being slingshotted around the green planet, a sound effect is re-used: the one from "Take the Plunge: Part 1" when Blocky tried to use Pin to pop Bubble.
  • Firey Speaker Box announcing Tennis Ball's dislikes and that his owner was also safe is what Puffball Speaker Box did in "Insectophobe's Nightmare 3".
  • Tennis Ball's reaction from eating an electrocuted Yoyleberry is similar to Pencil's reaction to the Announcer saying he made another chunk of ice and Coiny's reaction to Firey winning BFDI.
  • When the Firey Speaker Box said that two balls were in the bottom two, it might have been a reference to the two metal balls from early BFDI.
  • The yellow tomatoes used to demetalize everyone are the same ones from "The Reveal".
  • Fries claiming that Rocky was "just dead weight for [their] team" after he switched to W.O.A.H. Bunch is a possible reference to "Get Digging", when he claimed Teardrop was not much of leader after Pin and Coiny forced her to join W.O.A.H. Bunch.
  • The zoom-out of Yoyle City is a reference to IDFB 1.
  • Pin saying that W.O.A.H. Bunch is the largest team is a reference to BFDIA 5a.
  • Pin saying she has a good point is a callback to The Long-lost Yoyle City.
  • Coiny addresses to his team that they can sabotage two other teams with the Revolutionary Headphones 2.0, when the team members in question appear, they animate similar to the impatient contestants from "Insectophobe's Nightmare".
  • Coiny calling Ice Cube a former Power of Three teammate is a reference to that episode.
    • Coincidentally, he was talking to Needle, the other member of the trio.
  • The FreeSmart SuperVan flipping itself upside down is a recycled animation from "Get in the Van".
  • Immediately after, they land in the science museum, another reference to IDFB 1.
  • The background piano music that plays when Pencil says "Sorry Ice Cube, it's for the good of the team." is the exact background music that plays every time a contestant gets eliminated in "Ten Words of Wisdom", a BFDI object camp.
  • "Grupheetie" written on the wall at 13:37 is also seen on recovery centers.
  • Spongy has a flashback to "The Glistening" when prompted if he's been inside a spaceship, however during the flashback, the assets were updated and the characters have different facial expressions.
  • The 70,000 payments of $70,000 is a reference to the gumball commercial in "Barriers and Pitfalls". Additionally, the number $4.9 billion returns as well.
  • Tennis Ball panics, saying a similar phrase to Match's line: "This is, like, the end!" from "Reveal Novum" and "The Glistening".
  • Yellow Face's old products return in a new fashion, both the Revolutionary Headphones (a new version now rigged to throw spike balls uncontrollably) and the Bubble Transformer (or at least, its asset, used as bladed weapon to fight FreeSmart).
  • The Spike Ball Speaker Box returns.
  • The motion needed to open the second door in the hotel is the arm fluttering gesture.
  • For the second time, Yellow Face (allegedly) advertises a product to relieve stress.
  • Spongy says that his frisbee partner is back when Rocky joins his team, referring to "The Reveal".
  • Tennis Ball saying, "Oh, I'm scared", is a callback to "Reveal Novum".
  • Pencil saying, "I love Yoyle malls", is probably a callback to either the time when she said she likes chocolate cake or when she said she really doesn't like Cake at Stake.
    • The fact that Pencil then says she loathes Yoyle malls might be further evidence for the latter.
  • The 276th floor is a reference to 2,763.
  • Needle's angry screen is possibly referencing Pencil's and Donut's in "Yeah, Who? I Wanna Know".
  • Pin, once again, is unable to do something because she was limbless.
  • The showdown between W.O.A.H. Bunch and FreeSmart atop the dehumidifier mirrors the Have Cots and Have Nots' battle in "Take the Tower".
    • Yellow Face asking if someone needs to be killed right away is a reference to "Get Digging".
  • Nickel also says gibberish, indicating that this episode is where he got the characterization later in BFB.
  • The "Do Not Disturb" sign Team No-Name puts on the iffy room door has a similar texture to Price Tag.
  • Fries saying, "Whatever", when Rocky slowly nods his head is a reference to when Gelatin said the same thing during his team's elimination in "The Escape from Four".
  • The inclusion of the Revolutionary Headphones in the episode may possibly be a reference to an upload of a fake BFDIA 6 comprised of clips of pervious episodes and other object shows by the YouTube user @jacknjellify4210, titled "BFDIA 6: The Time Is Now!", which was uploaded on July 9, 2015 and prominently features a frame of the original Revolutionary Headphones commercial from "Bowling, Now with Explosions!" in the thumbnail.
  • The FreeSmart SuperVan's interior gets flooded with water once again, the first time being "It's a Monster".
  • Pin's surprised face is the same one she made when she realized she could just roll in "Get in the Van".
  • Rocky's line before Pencil kicks him into the air is recycled from "Rescission". This also makes Rocky the third character to use recycled lines other than signature "bulleh" barfing sound.
  • FreeSmart tying their van and later themselves to balloons is an homage to "Lofty".
  • Several slices in the Challenge Wheel are past references:
    • "Steal all the money in the world" might be a reference to "The Long-lost Yoyle City", when Needle and Pin put Coiny and Nickel together.
    • "Wait 10 years for next episode" and possibly even "Build a time machine" is a reference to the fact that the episode came out ten years after its intended release date.
    • "Quit the show" is a reference to a chronically future episode "The Escape from Four", where the "challenge" is to do the opposite of that.
    • "Jump the highest" might be a reference to iance's strategy in "Getting Teardrop to Talk".
    • "Find the hidden message" is a nod to the when Eraser told Pen about the hidden message in Return of the Hang Glider. So far, the hidden message in this season is "Don't try that thing again because..."
  • Nickel calling Needle a "fast cranker" is in reference to when Ice Cube calls her a fast runner in "Barriers and Pitfalls".
  • The voting screen is similar to the one in BFDIA 5e.
  • Pencil making sure Ruby isn't forgetting anything is a reference to IDFB 1.
  • The scene where Tennis Ball revives himself and told Golf Ball that she has said “How do I keep ending up in the bottom two!? I’m the leader of my team!” so many times that he wants to rip his ears off before going back to being dead is similar to "No More Snow!", as Spongy, who's face-first on the spikes, flinches a bit.
  • The Intro Grass have been changed to purple since they are now staying in Yoyleland.
    • Before, it was the green grass in the Plains of southern Goiky.
  • When Ice Cube was pllying the lullaby in space, is a reference to their way older video "By release date" Doo Doo-Dee Doo, (Oct 19, 2008, if wondering).

Cultural references[]

  • The Evil sign part at the Live Here Hotel, refrences to the first episode from The Cuphead Show! where they visit a theme park where the Devil collects souls of the visitors called Carn-Evil.
  • Ruby excitedly biting her bottom lip, before saying "You do like Yoyleberries, don't you, FSB?" is most likely a reference to the SpongeBob SquarePants episode "Just One Bite", where SpongeBob does the same gesture and says "You like Krabby Patties, don't you, Squidward?", followed by Ruby throwing yoyleberries at Firey Speaker Box while saying "order up!", referencing SpongeBob's debut episode "Help Wanted" in which SpongeBob throws krabby patties at anchovies.
  • The "lightsaber" Yellow Face gives to Coiny when fighting FreeSmart is in fact a reference to the iconic weapon of the same name from the Star Wars franchise.
  • The brief song that plays in Yellow Face's meditation advertisement is "Free" by Kitsune^2, specifically being the same music used in the jacknjellify video "BFDI Character Bodies Released!"
  • The scenes where the balloons cause the FreeSmart SuperVan to fly in the air is a reference to the 2009 Disney/Pixar film Up.
  • The soothing lullaby that plays in Ice Cube's headphones is the song from the jacknjellify video Doo Doo-Dee Doo.



  • The thumbnail for the episode has Pencil, Ruby, and Book leaning out of the window of the FreeSmart SuperVan, even though the actual windows themselves are up.
  • The Spanish thumbnail has the 2nd spike of the flame (from top to bottom) completely removed, this could be a mistake by the artist forgetting to put it back in, or it could've been intentional.
  • At 2:33 and 8:31, Pin and Ruby are not made of Yoyle Metal in here even though she is made of Yoyle Metal before and after that scene.
  • Firey Speaker Box announces that Firey has 298 dislikes and Gelatin has 361. However, it's actually the other way around. This is later corrected when announcing Fries' dislikes.
    • The results here are slightly different than they were in Welcome Back.
  • At 22:02, in the graph showing Evil Leafy's motion, time is labeled as d, and distance is labeled as t. This is probably an error, as the convention is to use t for time and d for distance.
  • At 22:30, the sound of Evil Leafy teleporting plays, even when she isn't teleporting.
  • At 22:44, the flower in the background is filled purple, although at 22:46, the flower is unfilled.
  • At 26:13, Coiny and Needle are standing on the middle of the dehumidifier. When Evil Leafy appears, they are suddenly on the left side of the dehumidifier.
  • At 23:08, you can see that the back of the van has several balloons inside, and Ice Cube is breathing inside of a balloon. However, at 23:16 the balloons are gone and Ice Cube is breathing through a Snorkel.
  • At 25:40, before Coiny speaks to Yellow Face. Coiny appears to grow due to symbol conflict.
  • In the short version, in the scene where FreeSmart and W.O.A.H. Bunch fight, the info about Yoyle City in Book is missing.
  • In the scene of FreeSmart driving in circles in a small park, 4 trees can be seen outside of the windows, but the bird's-eye view shows there are only 3 trees.
    • This issue is not present in the short version however, as 3 trees appear outside the windows.
  • The park FreeSmart is in is way smaller and take a shorter time to go around the whole thing. The FreeSmart SuperVan passes the park entrance's archway sooner that in the shot taken in the van, which the van takes longer to pass.
  • At 27:43, when Ice Cube comes out of The FreeSmart SuperVan with balloons, Ice Cube is not wearing the headphones, but before, she was wearing the headphones.
  • When Needle says, "I guess were all inhabitant Yoyleland residents now!", at one frame, Tennis Ball isn't metal.
  • When Team No-Name is waving their arms to enter the fancy room, the floor textures does not align properly.
  • Three episodes later in "Catch These Hands", Gelatin states the revolutionary headphones use water-soluble glue and thus can be removed with water. In this episode, Ice Cube is shown underwater multiple times and the headphones don't come off nor electrocute her.


  1. Initially intended release date: September 1, 2013
  2. Sam BFDIA QnA
2022 & 2023 episodes
"The Worst Day of Black Hole's Life" • "Getting Puffball To Think About Rollercoasters" • "Gardening Zero" • "Fishes and Dishes" • "The Great Goikian Bake-Off" • "Well Rested" • "The Seven Wonders of Goiky" • "Intruder Alert" • "Balancing P.A.C.T." • "Meaty" • "Outbreak At Stake"
Battle for Dream Island episodes and other videos
Totalfireyislandshort TFI: "Crying Contest" • "Balance Beam" • "Mile Run" • "Elimination Volleyball!" • "Rope Climb" • "Dodgeball" • "Spelling Bee" • "Breath Holding Contest" • "Dice!" • "Spinner" • "Bowling 1" • "Bowling 2" • "Stack 1" • "Stack 2" • "Hurdles 1" • "Hurdles 2" • "Hurdles 3 and 'WETHFPC'" • "Jumbo"

TFS: "Mountain Climb" (unreleased)

TFP: "Balance Beam" • "Dodge Ball" • "Mountain Climb" • "Balloon Toss" • "Teams" • "Boats" • "Bridge Crossing" • "Eating" • "Pyramid" • "Pole Vaulting" • "Test Taking" • "Obstacle Course" (all unreleased)

BFDI1 BFDI: "Take the Plunge (Take the Plunge: Part 1" • "Take the Plunge: Part 2)" • "Barriers and Pitfalls" • "Are You Smarter Than a Snowball?" • "Sweet Tooth" • "Bridge Crossing" • "Power of Three" • "Puzzling Mysteries" • "Cycle of Life" • "Insectophobe's Nightmare" • "Crybaby!" • "Lofty" • "A Leg Up in the Race" • "Don't Lose Your Marbles" • "Half a Loaf Is Better Than None" • "Vomitaco" • "Bowling, Now with Explosions!" • "The Reveal" • "Reveal Novum" • "Rescission" • "Gardening Hero" • "The Glistening" • "Don't Pierce My Flesh" • "Hurtful!" • "Insectophobe's Nightmare 2" • "Return of the Hang Glider"

BFDIA2 BFDIA: "Yeah, Who? I Wanna Know" • "Get Digging" • "Insectophobe's Nightmare 3" • "Zeeky Boogy Doog" • BFDIA 5 ("Get in the Van" • "BFDIA 5b" • "No More Snow!" • "It's a Monster" • "The Long-lost Yoyle City") • "Well Rested" • "Intruder Alert" • "Meaty" • "Catch These Hands" • "Taste the Sweetness" • "Lots of Mud" • "Insectophobe's Nightmare 4" • "Well, Look Who It Is!" • "PointyPointyPointy ♫"

IDFB3 IDFB: "Welcome Back"

B.F.B BFB: "Getting Teardrop to Talk" • "Lick Your Way to Freedom" • "Why Would You Do This on a Swingset" • "Today's Very Special Episode" • "Fortunate Ben" • "Four Goes Too Far" • "The Liar Ball You Don't Want" • "Questions Answered" • "This Episode Is About Basketball" • "Enter the Exit" • "Get to the Top in 500 Steps" • "What Do You Think of Roleplay?" • "Return of the Rocket Ship" • "Don't Dig Straight Down" • "The Four is Lava" • "The Escape from Four" • "X Marks the Spot" • "Take the Tower" • "How Loe Can You Grow?" • "A Taste of Space" • "Let's Raid The Warehouse" • "Who Stole Donut's Diary?" • "Fashion For Your Face!" • "The Game Has Changed" • "The Tweested Temple" • "The Hidden Contestant" • "Uprooting Everything" • "B.F.B. = Back From Beginning" • "SOS (Save Our Show)" • "Chapter Complete"

TPOT Abbreviated BFDI:TPOT: "You Know Those Buttons Don't Do Anything, Right?" • "The Worst Day of Black Hole's Life" • "Getting Puffball To Think About Rollercoasters" • "Gardening Zero" • "Fishes and Dishes" • "The Great Goikian Bake-Off" • "The Seven Wonders of Goiky" • "Balancing P.A.C.T." • "Outbreak At Stake" • "Oneirophobe's Nightmare" • "Out Of The Blue" • "What's Up Bell's String?" • "Category One"

Upcoming: BFDIA 15IDFB 2BFDI:TPOT 14

BFDI Mini: BFDI Mini episodesBFDI Mini Again episodesBFDI Mini Deluxe episodesBFDI Mini, Seriously! episodesBFDI Mini Delicious episodesBFDI Mini Replicas episodes

Shorts: "Thanks for 4 years!" • "BFDI Is Back" • "Paper Towel" • "Ballers" • "Thanks for 4 years of Thanks for 4 years!" • "HELP US get to VIDCON 2019" • "Happy Birthday, Battle for BFDI!" • "BFDI's Road to Half a Billion Views" • "You're A Loser, But..." • "Thanks for 600,000 subscribers!" • "Thanks for 700,000 subscribers!" • "Aw, Seriously?" • "BFB Contestants React to Wiki Comments" • "Thanks for 800,000 subscribers!" • "PUMPKIN 2.0 - BFDI Halloween Shorts" • "If Among Us Was a BFDI Challenge" • "If X-MAS in Among Us was a BFDI Challenge" • "Unboxing 3 Silver Play Buttons (and a BFB 30 announcement!)" • "Thanks for 900,000 subscribers!" • "Thanks for 1,000,000 subscribers!" • "Thanks for 4 years of Thanks for 4 years of Thanks for 4 years!" • "Claustrophobe's Nightmare • "Twosday" • "Fish and Chips" • "Why is the BFDI Mouth everywhere?" • "Firey and Gelatin Steal a Van" • "Thanks for 1,500,000 Subscribers!" • "Thanks for 2,000,000 Subscribers!" • "Pie Vs Pi: The Pi Day Massacre" • "Plan Dissolve Adhesive"

Plush videos: "The Official Firey Plush is here!" • "Who's The Real Firey? (ft. Leafy Plush)" • "Hello Woody! (Now available to order)" • "The Loser Plush is here!" • "The Official Four and X Plush" • "The Marker and Coiny Plushes Have Arrived!" • "when you bake a cake (ft. TWO PLUSH)"

Reanimated specials: "BFDI 1a+1b Reanimated! Fan-made MAP (Multi Animator Project)" • "BFDIA 1 Re-Animated By 95 People! - (Fan-Made)" • "IDFB 1 Re-Animated By 108 People! (Fan-Made)"

Cancelled/Unknown: Yoylecake Winning Celebration CartoonDecember 2016 Short50 million views videoUnknown announcement video

YTPMVs: "Intensive BFDI Unit" • "Rock My BFDI" • "BFDI-chapp" • "3000 Subbies" • "Eliminating BFDI" • Dear Viewers" • 6000 Subscribers" • "Thanks for 20,000 subscribers! (Last BFDI)" • "BFB 13 this Thursday." • ""Revenge", except every syllable is from BFDI" • "UNREAL BFDI — Thanks for 1 Billion Views!" • "I HOPE ITS NOT ME - composed by @legotd61"

Songs: "All I Want for X-mas — SONG by Four & X from BFB" • "Lo-Fi Beats to Yoyle To" • "Message to Loser (Lyric Video) - SONG by Four from BFB" • "Jingle BELL Rock 🔔 Song with Four, Bell, Seven" • "Just Push Through It (Songify BFDI by Schmoyoho)" • "This Is BFB: Season Recap (Lyric Video)" • "Antony Kos - Hey Two! (Extended Cake at Stake song) Lyric Video" • "Counting on Christmas" • "16 Years of Jacknjellify! 🎂 (Music Video)" • "Crafting Our Friendship"

Promotional: "Vote Yoylecake" • "You can help BFDI win an Award!" • "VOTE for who the next BFDI PLUSH should be!" • "The Firey Plush is ON SALE + NEW BFDI HOODIE!" • "What if BFDI was in r/place?" • "BFDI *was* in r/place!" • "BFDI & Inanimate Insanity Meet Up!" • "TWO OF THEM!? - BFDI X Inanimate Insanity 2023 Event"

Meetup videos: "BFDI and II Finally Cross Over" • "*struggles to contain fans at 2019 meetup*" • "II + BFDI back together again!" • "The 22 Best Questions You Asked Us — BFDI + II Meetup" • "3,000 PEOPLE came to the BFDI x II Meetup in LA…" • "HOST TO COAST - BFDI & II 2024 Tour!" • "Theatre Etiquette - Golf Ball NOW AVAILABLE!" • "What the "BFDI & II Tour" in NYC Was Like"

Episode compilations: "Blocky Prank Compilation - Battle for Dream Island" • "Best BFDI Season 1a moments (according to data from you viewers!)" • "Every FAKE AD in BFDI — Yellow Face Compilation" • "Best BFDI Crushes to Date! — Compilation"

TikTok compilations: "BFDI TikTok Compilation" • "Top BFDI/A TikToks Compilation" • "BFB TikTok Compilation" • "We asked TikTok to VOTE the best object - BFDI Mini" • "All our food does THIS... — BFDI's Best TikToks of 2020" • "Firey Discovers Gravity (BFDI TikTok Compilation)" • "TikTok voted on our objects again: BFDI MINI DELUXE" • "10 "David"s, One Winner — BFDI MINI SERIOUSLY" • "A Food Battle for the Ages— BFDI MINI DELICIOUS"

Announcement videos: "???" • "A super fresh minty clean announcement" • "Doing It Again!" • "BFDI Second Season Voting" • "12/12/12" • "Choose Your Fate" • "5b Update" • "Taking a break from BFDI. (Livestream tomorrow!)" • "Bring BFDI Episode 1 Part 2 Back (also YouTube face reveal)" • "BFDI Episode 1 Part 2 is back online!" • "TUNE IN LIVE on Saturday at 3PM Pacific" • "Back 2 School Bad News" • "BFDI's Best Hiatus Ever" • "Let's keep BFDI casual"

Livestreams: "BFDI 1 "Take the Plunge" Tutorial Stream" • "BFDI 2 "Barriers and Pitfalls" Tutorial Hangout" • "BFDI 3 "Are You Smarter Than a Snowball?" Tutorial Hangout" • "(STREAM) Wirking on an announcement video" • "Installing a new graphics card in Cary's computer!" • "2918 meetup steam" • "Jacknjellify 2.5 MILLION STREAM"

Non-Jacknjellify videos: "Salmon Fiveyears" • "BFDI Mini-Season - "Marbles"" • "Ruby and her 35 sisters in ABCDEFG" • "The Lost Ice Cube Recordings" • "BFDI Recommended Characters" • "Battle for Dream Island: Official Character Guide Instagram promotion" • "Four and X say "Happy New Year!" in 2024!"

Other: Social media-exclusive animations • "The BeiBei Squisher" • "I Can Make a Difference!" • "The Marble Race!" • "When Video Games Malfunction!" • "Doo Doo-Dee Doo" • "X Finds Out His Value" • "First BFDI Animation Ever" • "BFDI Fan Art Reviews" • "BFDI APPISIOTE 225555555!!!!!" • "BFDI Assets, For Real This Time (Source files have been released!)" • "Happy Halloween" • "BFDIA 6 Deleted Scenes" • "IDFB comments game: FAKE OR REAL?" • "The JingJing Squisher (10 year anniversary)" • "How to Fold your Foldy" • "Apply to join BFDI! Animators, Audio Editors, Background/Prop Artists and More" • "The Secret Behind BFB's Split" • "Recommend a Character - Become a Jacknjellify Member" • "Tribute to Our First Commenter" • "We Discovered Our Forgotten "Firey" Comics" • "All BFDI soundboard videos! (compilation)" • "The LOST NEWSPAPERS of Four and X"

Other pre-BFDI: Character ChartConnections sheetsEarliest "First BFDI Animation"Feb 20 2009 Character BiosFictional BFDI ElectionFirey (comic series)Firey Expansion • "FIREY to keep our customers happy" • Firey Yearbook • "Firey's Candy Bar Adventure" • "Michael's best comic" • School Planner • "The Number Playground Chronicle!"
