Battle for Dream Island Wiki
Battle for Dream Island Wiki

Oh yeah, the Yoyleberries have some extreme side-effects, sorry.

Yoyleberries are a unique species of berry fruit in Battle for Dream Island. They are used as the main ingredient in cooking Yoylecake and Yoylestew, and they can also be eaten fresh. They are commonly found (and so far, only found) in bushes located in Yoyleland, but can of course be grown from the seeds of another Yoyleberry. Though it was mentioned as an ingredient for Yoylecake before in "Don't Pierce My Flesh", its official appearance was in "Get Digging", when Gelatin, Needle, and Puffball went to Yoyleland to collect the berries to make Yoylestew for the contest.


The Yoyleberries first appeared in "The Glistening". The Yoyleberries resemble small, purple blueberries. Foods made from Yoyleberries (e.g. Yoylecake) are the same color. The Yoyleberries are only found in Yoyleland, in the Yoylebushes, where they grow. There's also several variations of the Berry, one of which is known as Dream Berries. Yoyleberries were also used as the prize for Cake at Stake in "Well Rested".


The consumption of a Yoyleberry is said to have extreme side effects, the most noticable being the conversion of a consumer's bodily composition into a strange metal called Yoyle Metal, an unknown material that is immune to Freeze Juice and invincible to lasers, and even to Four's Zappies.

This material is really heavy, and contestants affected by the Yoyleberry's anomalous effects can't jump high or run.


  • It is currently unknown how the Yoyleberry species grow and diversify in the main hostile environment of Yoyleland, where there is an extreme lack of sunlight.
  • Yoyleberries made a cameo in "The JingJing Squisher (10 year anniversary)", where Ruby said she loves them.
  • Yoyleberry appeared as a recommended character in "Getting Teardrop to Talk". But like any other food made with Yoyleberries (e.g. Yoylecake and Yoyle Pie) are cardboard cutouts.
  • The only known way to reverse the effects without dying is to eat a yellow tomato.


Locations Aerospace Manufacturing Plant, Evil Here Hotel, Grotato Farm, Science Museum, Weak Trembling Fortress, Yoyle City, List of buildings in Yoyle City, Yoyleland, Yoyle Mountain, Yoyle Tower, Yoyle Woodland
Items Leafy's Map, Yoyleberry, Yoylecake, Yoyle Chess, Yoylite, Yoyleseeds, Yoylestew
Others Yoyle Metal, Yoylese